Назад Multipolar neurons-

Multipolar neurons

Spinal cord (silver nitrate impregnation)

The transverse section of the spinal cord shows an area with cell bodies and processes of multipolar neurons forming the gray matter, which is shaped like a butterfly. There are rather long, narrow protrusions called posterior horns (columns) as well as some wider and shorter protrusions called anterior horns (columns) #1, #2. The central canal of the spinal cord is found in the middle, it is lined by ependymal glial cells.

The anterior horns contain groups of large multipolar stellate neurons consisting of nerve cell bodies, and processes #1, #2, which are covered by plasma membrane. One of these cell processes is the axon, whereas the others are dendrites.

The neuron cytoplasm is marked by a well-developed cytoskeleton whose components stick together in bundles during sample fixation. They are stained by silver salts, which reveal these components as fine strands of neurofibrils (these are artifacts). Numerous neuronal processes and glial cells ( neuropil) are found between the nerve cell bodies. Blood vessels are also marked.